Green Apple benefits: An Excellent Snack Choice

Green apple benefits are more than anything we can cover on this article…

However, we will give you one of the best thorough details in this article!
type of apples is not only delicious, but also packed with health benefits.

With its bright, vibrant green color and sweettart flavor, green apple is an excellent addition to any diet.

Not only is it a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, but also offers numerous health benefits, such as improved digestion, weight loss, and improved heart health.

In this blog post, we‘ll explore the wide range of health benefits that a green apple has to offer and ways to incorporate it into your diet.

Green apple calories:

Apples in general are known for their low calorie intake which makes them really recommended for weight loss and well-being.

Green apples in particular are very beneficial for diets as they only contain 90 calories (medium size).

Despite the low calorie intake, green apples are full of nutrients and are also considered a super fruit which is why its image is used as an icon to refer to healthy food.


A medium sized green apple is usually 80 to 100g in weight and contain:

  • Calorie: 90
  • Protein: 8 g
  • Carbs: 21 g
  • Fat: 0.3g
  • Fiber: 4.8 g
  • C vitamin C: 14.2%
  • E vitamin E: 2%
  • K vitamin K: 7%
  • B6 vitamin B6: 4.2 %
  • Magnesium: 3%
  • Phosphorus: 3.5%
  • Potassium: 5.3%

Green apple benefits:

An aphrodisiac for men and women:

Considering the different types of sexual hormones for men and women, it is rare to find a food that benefits both of them.

According to Santa Chiara hospital in Italy, Green apples are one of those rare foods and can be considered a sexual stimulant. (1)

It is because they are so rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, these nutrients help control the mood and stimulate blood flow throughout the body including the sexual organs.

This fruit is also a good source of phytoestrogen (a plant-based component similar to estradiol hormone) may be able to mimic a sexual hormone and improve sexual drive.

Fights aging:

Who doesn’t want to have soft youthful skin? Most people turn to cosmetics and forget that our health is affected mostly with what we eat.

Green apples are full of antioxidants and their consumption promotes cell regeneration and rejuvenates your skin.

On the other hand, they have a great effect on the health inside the body as they improve liver health. (2)

Liver has life-sustaining functions and among those it certainly is essential for detoxing and that reflects on the well-being of the whole body.

Aids in your pregnancy:

Doctors and nutritionists have always recommended green apples or green apple juice for a healthier pregnancy. It is because consuming more green apples: (3)

  • Protect from pre-eclampsia: this complication known to increase blood pressure due to the lack of vitamin C which is found in good portions in green apples.
  • Reduce the risk of premature labor: broken red blood cells promote the production of Bilirubin which is picked up by the liver during the detox process.
    An excess of this yellow substance leads to serious complications including premature labor.
    Green apples are proven to reduce the production of Bilirubin and therefore promote a better liver function and less risks of premature labor.
  • May prevent gestational diabetes: non-diabetic women during their pregnancy sometimes experience high blood sugar levels which can lead to depression and even Caesarean section.
    Green apples have been proven to stabilize blood sugar levels and can reduce pain in the uterus area.
  • Help deal with constipation: pregnant women face a lot of digestive problems including constipation. Since green apples are full of fibers, they help smoothen the digestion.

Promotes a better intestinal health:

Green apples are very high in fibers which are not present in apple juice or jelly but found mostly in its skin.

Eating a green apple with its skin will provide us with its high fiber content which is ideal for a good intestinal transit.

Fibers are not a nutrient but rather an essential intermediary for our metabolism and intestinal balance.

Being a vegetable component, green apples contain lignin and polysaccharides and these two polymers are vital for the proper maintenance of the colon. (4)

Good for the respiratory system:

This fruit may prevent many respiratory diseases including asthma or breathing difficulties.

Green apples are full of essential minerals and vitamins that are necessary for a healthy immune system capable of fighting diseases.

Regular green apple intake has been linked with a low risk of asthma and a better bronchial health. (5)

Some researchers have gone further to prove that pregnant women who eat green apples during their pregnancy may lower the risk of their toddlers getting asthma.

Good for diabetes:

Apart from their effectiveness in preventing diabetes, green apples are highly recommended for people who already have the disease.

In a diabetes diet, usually most fruits are excluded because they contain fructose which has a slight effect on the blood sugar levels. (6)

However, green apples are different as they offer pectin which is a fiber type that helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

For example, a combination of cinnamon and green apples is ideal to kick start a day and satisfy the daily dose of sugar our bodies need.

Have anti-inflammatory properties:

This amazing fruit contains enzymes, found in its skin, which enhance the function of T cells.

These cells are essential for the immune system and are efficient against inflammation.

On the other hand, pectin found in green apple’s skin provides us with vitamins and minerals that are helpful against infections. (7)

In some cases of osteoarthritis or arthritis, doctors recommend including skin-on green apples in the diet and that says so much about how effective this fruit is against inflammation.

Stimulates metabolism:

Thanks to minerals, our metabolism function properly.

This is what make green apples perfect for our health, because they are filled with minerals such as iron, copper, potassium and magnesium.

Some people skip breakfast, and that has a major effect on their metabolism as it becomes slower.

Consider starting your day with oatmeal and green apple and you’ll notice major differences in your body metabolism.

Good for weight loss:

With the amount of junk food that invaded our diets from all directions, losing weight has become sort of essential.

If you are considering losing weight then you should definitely include green apples in your diet as they help you lose weight while keeping you healthy.

Eating two green apples a day will: (8)

  • Reduce blood sugar levels
  • Make you feel fuller.
  • Reduce blood pressure.
  • Break belly fat resistance.
  • Lower cholesterol.

Improves dental health:

Studies have shown that green apples contain many nutrients that contribute to maintaining dental health.

During the chewing process, this fruit releases its juice full of nutrients which help increase the production of saliva, reduce mouth dryness, reduce bad breath, fight bacteria and protect the gum from infections. (9)

Promotes coagulation:

Blood coagulation is the process in which blood changes state from being liquid to more like a gel state.

Mostly happens when blood meets air, this natural defense mechanism is very helpful in case of an open wound as it prevents further bleeding.

Green apple is rich in vitamin K, an essential vitamin that helps heal wounds.

However, researches have proven that in most infectious disease cases the patients were suffering from vitamin K deficiency.

To meet the daily recommended dose of vitamin K, try eating two green apples throughout the day.

This is also efficient if you have tender gums that often bleeds. (10)

Side effects of green apple diets:

Some people rely too much on green apples in their diets but that can be harmful.

Green apple diet is basically a 5 day diet that some nutritionists suggest to lose up to 6 pounds in 5 days which can be very helpful if you have to lose a couple of pounds for an important event. (11)

Although, Having this diet that consist of eating a lot of green apples instead of regular meals may cause: (12)

  • Feeling of heartburn due to high levels of acidity taken from these apples.
  • Suffering from lack of energy, dizziness, nervousness and headaches.
  • Increase your desire to eat after finishing the green apple diet plan, and that could result in gaining the lost weight back.

It is recommended to not do the green apple diet for more than 5 days, as the body will suffer from lack of other essential nutrients found in a diverse diet.





(1): Sex Study – Eating Apples Influences Arousal (
(2): Slowing aging: Apple compound may help (
(3): Eating Green Apples during Pregnancy: Health Benefits & Side Effects (
(5): Here’s How Apples Help In Keeping Your Lungs Healthy (
(6): Red or Green, which apple is beneficial for heart and diabetes patients , Must Read (
(7): [Anti-inflammatory activity of high and low methoxylated apple pectins, in vivo and in vitro] – PubMed (
(8): Granny Smith Apples Promote Healthy Gut Bacteria to Aid Weight Control | Nutrition Review
(9): Apples: Dental Hygiene Facts – Summit Dental Health
(10): Amount of Vitamin K (phylloquinone) in Apples, granny smith, with skin, raw natural (
(11): 5-Day Apple Diet For Weight Loss (
(12): The Disadvantages of Eating Apples |

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