Everything You Need to Know About Catfish Calories


Are you looking for a lean and delicious source of protein that packs a nutritional punch?

Look no further than catfish! In this blog, we‘ll be exploring the calories, benefits, and drawbacks of eating catfish.

We‘ll also discuss how to incorporate it into a healthy diet so you can enjoy it guiltfree.

Whether you‘re looking for a delicious dinner or a tasty snack, catfish is a great option.

So if you‘re ready to learn more about the nutritional powerhouse that is catfish, let‘s dive in!

Catfish calories and benefits:

Catfish calories:

These data counts for the serving size of catfish fillet which is 8 ounces (220g):


  • Calories: 123
  • Fat: 6.2g
  • Protein: 30g
  • Sodium: 120 mg
  • Cholesterol: 65mg
  • D vitamin : 22%
  • B3 vitamin: 18.5%
  • B5 vitamin: 71%
  • B6 vitamin: 15.7%
  • B12 vitamin: 26%
  • Calcium : 10%
  • Copper: 22%
  • Magnesium : 10%
  • Phosphorus : 30%
  • Potassium : 22%
  • Selenium : 38%

These types of fish are rich in protein, vitamin D, B5, and many minerals mostly calcium and phosphorus.

The American Heart Association recommends consuming fish once or twice a week to ensure a healthy diet.

It should be noted that vitamin D and calcium are both very important for bone and dental health.

As for Iodine, it is an essential compound in the production of thyroid hormone.

An iodine deficiency is linked to a higher risk of thyroid gland enlargement.

Benefits of catfish:


A medium-sized catfish usually contains about 120 calories and 6g of fat which makes it a lean fish.

Statistically, a man needs between 400 and 600 calories per meal and a woman needs between 300 and 500 calories per meal.

Also, both men and women need around 20g of saturated fat a day.

Therefore, consuming catfish will not pose any risk of fat or high-calorie intake for both men and women.

Many health benefits come with catfish, among those we mention:

Complete source of protein:

Just 100g of catfish contain about 18g of protein and that is equal to 40% of the daily need in protein.

That amount of protein would provide our body with the necessary amino acids it needs.

Thanks to that, our bodies will have a better ability to increase their physical activity and improve their immunity.

Also, it will help develop muscles and provide the proper fuel to conduct daily tasks.

Rich in fatty acids:

Catfish are full of omega 3 fatty acids with up to 100% of our daily need and up to 60% of our daily need in omega 6 fatty acids.

Among the many health virtues of fatty acids is their ability to reduce joint pain, reduce blood pressure, and strengthen the heart and overall health.

Good source of vitamin B12:

A medium-sized catfish also contains up to 40% of the daily recommended need in vitamin B12.

This vitamin helps our bodies convert food into energy, formation of DNA, and the production of red blood cells.

In addition, this vitamin stimulates the brain and increases our ability of understanding and retaining information.

This fish also contains around 16% of the daily need in Vitamin B1 and methamphetamine which both contribute to the digestion process.

Cooking catfish:

Catfish with tomatoes and green pepper:


  • Four pieces of catfish fillet.
  • two chopped tomatoes and one sliced green pepper.
  • ¼ of melted butter.
  • 1 tsp of dried thyme, chopped garlic, salt, paprika, ground black pepper.
  • Start by mixing sliced green pepper and chopped tomatoes with ground black pepper, thyme, salt, and chopped garlic.
  • Now marinate the catfish fillet with the melted butter.
  • Then dip the pieces of fillet into the spices mixture and make sure they are evenly coated.
  • You can now place the catfish fillet on a baking sheet and put them in the oven at 340°F (170°C) for 10 minutes until it is easily pealed with a fork.

Catfish fried in the oven:


  • 8 pieces of catfish fillets.
  • ½ of milk and ½ of cornflour.
  • 1 tsp of paprika, dried thyme, and salt.
  • Spray oil for cooking.
  • ½ tsp of onion powder, garlic powder, chopped celery, ground black pepper.
  • In a bowl, mix cornflour with paprika, dried thyme, chopped celery, onion powder, garlic powder, ground black pepper and stir until they are all mixed.
  • Soak the catfish fillets in milk and then marinate them in the spices mixture until the fillets are evenly coated.
  • Preheat the oven to 420°F (220°C) get an oven tray and cover it with a baking sheet then spray cooking oil on it.
  • Place the tray in the oven and roast the marinated fillets for 15 minutes until they have a crispy brown skin.

Crispy catfish in the oven:


  • 4 pieces of catfish fillets.
  • 1 cup of Italian salad dressing.
  • 2 tsp of lemon zest, garlic powder, paprika, ground black pepper, and salt.
  • 2 tbsp of butter.
  • Heat the oven to 340°F (170°C) and prepare an oven tray with a baking sheet that is greased with either oil or butter.
  • Now mix the ground black pepper, lemon zest, garlic powder, salt, and paprika in a bowl, and make sure they are fully mixed.
  • Start by greasing each side of the fillet with butter then coat them with the spices mixture you already prepared.
  • Heat a pan over medium heat then fry the marinated fillet pieces for 2 minutes on each side until the skin turns brown.
  • Take out the fillets and put them in the oven tray and top them with the Italian salad dressing.
  • Finally, place the tray in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes until they are well done, and that’s it! Enjoy your crispy catfish.

Precautions before you consume catfish:


Many scientists and nutritionists spoke about the possible contamination related to consuming catfish.

As some species of this type of fish grow in dirty waters and could carry toxins.

However, this doesn’t mean we should stop eating catfish as some types grow in clean environments like the Nile.

These are the precautions you need to take before you consume catfish:

– Black bullhead catfish contains mercury which poses a health threat especially to pregnant women, kids, and the elderly.

– Shark catfish have exotic parasites (worms) that live under their skin which are very harmful to our health.

– Large-sized catfish feed on insects, frogs, and worms that live in polluted water, which is why some call them “sea hogs”.

On the other hand, juvenile catfish feed on plants and are completely safe to consume.

Buying catfish:


The first and best advice you can get when you are buying any type of product is to get it from a trusted dealer.

Now, when it comes to seafood, especially most types of fish, you should avoid buying farmed ones.

Also, large catfish usually eat frogs and rodents that live in contaminated banks, unlike small catfish which feeds on plants.

The best types of catfish when it comes to flavor are the blue, silver, and pink catfish.

You may find black bullhead catfish in the market but you should know this type lives in dirty waters other fish can’t survive in.

Whether if you’re getting a blue, a pink or a silver catfish make sure that the abdomen is white which is a good sign.

On the other hand, avoid the ones with a brown or grey belly as that means they grew up in contaminated waters.

After you buy your catfish, make sure you clean their bellies well and cook them well to make sure all the parasites die.

Storing catfish:


Just like you would store tuna or salmon, you can store catfish in the refrigerator or freeze them for a longer lifespan.

How long can I keep fresh catfish in the refrigerator?

This can vary depending on the storing conditions, you can store packaged catfish for 2 days in the refrigerator.

To maximize the shelf life of catfish, only open the package right before cooking.

How can I extend the shelf life of fresh catfish to the maximum?

The best way to extend the lifespan of any type of food is by freezing it, as this would put everything on hold.

This also applies to catfish, you can freeze them before the number of days specified for refrigeration passes.

To further extend their freezing life, you can wrap them in aluminum/plastic foil or an airtight freezing bag to avoid freezing burns.

How long can I keep fresh catfish in the freezer?

If stored under the right conditions, fresh catfish can maintain their optimum quality for up to 8 months.

They would remain safe to eat even after 8 months of freezing but they will lose some of their nutritional values.

How can I store cooked catfish?

You should store any cooked seafood in the refrigerator not longer than 2 hours after cooking.

The best way to do that is to make sure you wrap them in an airtight bag or wrap them in plastic or aluminum foil.

Use this same wrapping technic if you plan to freeze them.

How long can I keep fresh catfish at room temperature?

Parasites and bacteria grow rapidly at temperatures between Bacteria grow quickly at temperatures between 40°F and 140°F (4°C and 60°C).

Because of that, you should discard catfish if they are left for more than 1 hour at room temperature.

How to know if a catfish is expired?

Fish are full of omega 3 fatty acids which are very nutritious but also very vulnerable to oxidation and rancidity.

Expired catfish usually have a stinky unpleasant smell.

Also, a catfish that has gone rancid tend to have a dull color and a slimy texture.

You should throw away any fish that smells weird or looks abnormal to avoid any possible contamination.

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