Onion benefits for men and how to use onion peels + tips!


The benefits of onion for man are numerous and you probably didn’t hear about them all.

Some people assume that onions create miracles when it comes to sexual benefits for men, however, the facts are still between reality and fiction.

Even though we link onion with tears, its nutritional composition is very rich in plant chemicals and nutrients.

Among the many plant-based chemicals in onions, we find sulfur, flavonoids, and vitamin c.

These nutrients are abundant in vegetables and fruits and once ingested they interact with the human body.

For instance, flavonoids are highly antioxidant and are also the responsible pigments for the color of fruits and vegetables.

Recent studies show the efficacy of flavonoids in treating cancer, cardiovascular diseases, strokes, Parkinson’s…

As for onions, they are specifically rich in a type of flavonoid called Quercetin which is a powerful antioxidant. (1)

In many cultures, people believe that onions have many benefits in terms of fertility and sexual performance.

In this article, we gathered all the information based on scientific discoveries about the effect of onion on men’s health and onion benefits for man, how to use onion peels instead of throwing them away and tips on how to buy the perfect onions and how to store them.

Where do onion benefits for man come from?


Onion is among the vegetables that are really in many natural compounds that have so many health benefits.

Once we eat onions, the chemical compounds interact with our body’s enzymes and get converted into essential nutrients.

The most beneficial onion components for man’s health care: (2)

  • Flavonoids.
  • Phenols.
  • Sulfuric compounds.
  • Quercetin.

These plant compounds are very beneficial for men to either boost sexual performance or treat certain sexual issues.

Onion benefits for men:


Treats sexual dysfunction:

Onion has long been used as a dietary product and also to treat certain health issues. (3)

For instance, onion juice is said to be a good booster for testosterone production.

We all know that the testosterone hormone is the one responsible for promoting sexual effectiveness and desire for men.

Certain studies were made to confirm the boost in the sexual desire in mice and the results were that onion juice increases fertility. (4)

In addition, onion also reduces sexual dysfunction by increasing the level of testosterone in the blood.

Good for erectile dysfunction:

Erectile dysfunction is among the common sexual disabilities that even ancient indigenous people had to face.

They used different methods from chewing to boiling or applying the plant remedy on the forehead or wrapping it around an injury…

Specialists recommend using natural remedies and plants to deal with erectile dysfunction.

It is because of the long-term of such remedies that give us the confirmation of their effectiveness to maintain health.

Certain researchers visited different parts of the world and gathered samples from 33 plants that people use to treat erectile dysfunction. (5)

Among the list of natural remedies, onion was used in many parts of the world to treat this sexual issue.

Boosts testosterone production:

Testosterone is the main sex hormone for men and improving its production is a constantly updated topic.

Specialists always prefer the use of food and dietary supplements as a safer option for patients to increase testosterone levels.

Since 1967, several studies confirmed the effect of onion on testosterone production. (6)

In fact, regular consumption of onion for a man increases the production of luteinizing hormone, reduces insulin resistance, and offers great antioxidants properties for the testicles to fight free radicals. (7)

In 2019, new studies were published in the academic periodical journal in the field of onion effects on testosterone.

You should also know that low testosterone production is usually a sign of fragile health.

In fact, having testosterone deficiency is linked with diabetes, infertility, Alzheimer’s, loss in bone density… (8)

After going through all of the studies, apparently, they were all conducted on mice and only one study was done on healthy men:

  • Mice studies were done on different period lengths ranging from 10 to 60 days in which mice were given 0.5 to 6 millimeters of onion juice daily.
  • The results of these mice studies show a positive impact of onion consumption on testosterone levels in the male mice.
  • Same for the human trials, the results show an increase in testosterone levels in men after consuming onion extracts for days.

However, because most of the studies dealt with animal trials we still need more human trials to confirm these results.

Increases sperm quality:

Onions contain a large number of antioxidants which have an essential impact on the quality of sperm.

There were some studies on mice sperm quality after they have been given onion juice for 20 consecutive days.

In less than a month, sperm proportion and movement increased tremendously.

Even though still more studies on humans are needed but onion strongly influences semen vitality and movement.

Therefore, consuming 4g per Kg (4g per 2.2 lbs.) of onion is very effective to maintain healthy fertile sperm.

In other words, for a man that weighs 175 lbs. consuming 320g of onion (1 to 1.5 onions) daily is beneficial to keep the quality of sperm. (9)

Onion peels benefits for men:


Many people think that there is no need for onion peels and the majority of us even throw them away and use the bulb.

Onion peels are full of vitamins and minerals which have a great health impact on our bodies and mostly on sexual health.

Commonly known onion peels health benefits for man:


Throughout the world people believe that onion peels are one of the natural aphrodisiacs as it:

  • Maintains the well-being of the genitals since it fights inflammations.
  • Increases sexual drive because it contains Selenium and Chromium.
  • Boosts the production of testosterone which maintains a healthy heart, blood flow, good mood, sperm production, cognitive abilities …
  • Maintains and increases erection thanks to the chromium content which smoothens blood flow.
  • Treats premature ejaculation.
  • Increases the ability and the duration of sexual intercourse.

Using onion peels to boost sexual health:


There are several sexual remedies using onion peels and they all seem pretty easy to make, here are some of them:

  • Dry onion peels then grind them and add an equal amount of ground ginger, mix them well and use cook them in water like tea.
  • Drinking a cup daily and shall increase the sexual performance for both sex
  • Boil onion peels then filter them, let them cool down then place them in a glass jar in the refrigerator and drink a cup of it daily to improve your sexual health.
  • You can also use a whole onion with its peel and cook it with a chicken sauce or broth to get its benefits.

You should also know that we are talking about organic onion peels with no added insecticides and chemicals.

In case you’re not sure which onion you have, wash the peeled onion in a mixture of water and vinegar.

Precautions before consuming onion:


Consuming onion on a daily basis is generally safe for the majority of people.

However, there are certain groups of people that may experience complications and side effects from onions.

Here are some of the side effects you should know before consuming onions daily:

Increases risks of Bleeding:

Eating onions is safe as long as there is no risk of bleeding, however, it can complicate an already existing bleeding. (10)

Onions contain compounds such as potassium which can slow down blood coagulation.

For instance, when injured our bodies use the effect of blood coagulation to prevent excessive bleeding.

The same situation for women’s menstruation or a person who’s going to have surgery, they should all stay away from onion.

Digestive disorders:

Just like excessive bleeding, onions are safe but they can complications of an already existing digestive issue.

For example, eating onion will aggravate heartburn, constipation, stomach convulsions…

Certain people are at a higher risk of having digestive disorders after eating onions:

  • People with digestive problems: people who have colon syndrome, upset stomach (or dyspepsia)… (11)
  • Pregnant women: especially when eating raw onions or an excessive amount of onions.
  • People who had Ileoanal anastomosis. (12)
  • Certain people face stomach issues whenever they eat onions.

Interactions with some medicines:

Some of the side effects of onion are linked to its negative interaction with some medicines including: (13)

  • Blood-thinners or anti-coagulation: Eating onions may interfere with the dose of these medicines and amplify the effect of blood-thinning.
  • Diabetes medicines or insulin regulators: Consuming too many onions or onion extracts leads to a huge drop in blood sugar levels.

Bad repelling smell:

Onions contain sulfuric acid compounds which ones ingested they make their way to the blood circulation and on to all the parts of the body. (14)

This is exactly why after eating too many onions you may notice that not only your breath but also your sweat smells like onions.

Allergies to onions:

Regardless of the amount of onion ingested, certain people experience allergic reactions.

These types of reactions may occur in certain groups of people such as:

  • Those with allergies to onions.
  • The ones who are allergic to sheaths and celery: these people could experience when they eat onions as well.

When someone who have allergies to onions and consume it they may experience: (15)

  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Headache.
  • Coughing.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Skin rash.
  • Nausea.
  • Anaphylactic reaction.

Reduces blood sugar levels:

Regular consumption of onions and natural blood sugar regulators is beneficial for diabetic people.

Once we eat onion, it releases sugar into our blood flow at a very slow rate which helps manage diabetes.

In addition, the chromium content of onions slows the absorption of sugar. (16)

However, consuming too many onions may reduce blood sugar levels significantly and aggravate the diabetic condition.

When someone with diabetes eats too many onions he could experience rapid heartbeat, poor eyesight, headache, and dizziness.

Buying onion:


We all think that when a specific recipe requires onion, any type will do.

Nonetheless, this isn’t true as each onion type is used differently as there are white, yellow, red, and sweet onions.

Each type of onion has a different flavor, color, and texture but generally speaking, they can substitute one another.

The type that fits the “all-purpose label” is the sweet onion with a good balance between sweetness and acidity.

However, regardless of the type of onion, there are some common tips you can use to buy the best ones.

  • Avoid soft onions or the ones with a strong unpleasant smell as those are signs of spoilage.
  • A good onion should also feel firm and heavy in the hand.

Storing onion:


  • Onions are best kept at a temperature between 64 to 68°F (18 to 20°C) which is the temperature of most kitchen pantries.
  • Store them in the darkest place possible, away from light in order to prevent their photosynthesis which speeds up their spoilage.
  • Do not keep onions in the refrigerator because the cold will make them soft and spoil rapidly.
  • Before storing onions in a dry and dark place, make sure there are no already damaged ones in order to avoid contamination.
  • Do not store them in a bag because they have little to no air circulation and that will make the onions sprout and rotten.
  • Finally, keep onions away from potatoes as both of them produce a certain chemical that speedup rotting.

There is a very easy method you can try with any type of onion and it will allow you to store it for months.

Basically, the trick is to keep them in a paper bag with holes in to let air circulate so the onions stay fresh.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Get a few paper bags and punch some holes in them using a pen or a paperclip.
  • Fill each bag halfway with onions so that they still have enough space for air to circulate, then fold the top and tape it.
  • Put the onion bags in your pantry and make sure you keep some space in between the bags.
  • By applying this trick, you can keep onions for up to 3 months!




(1): Chronic intake of onion extract containing quercetin improved postprandial endothelial dysfunction in healthy men – PubMed (nih.gov)

(2): Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Five White Onion (Allium cepa L.) Landraces (hindawi.com)
(3): Onions were so important in the Middle Ages, that people would pay their rent with them and give them as gifts (thevintagenews.com)
(4): Fresh onion juice enhanced copulatory behavior in male rats with and without paroxetine-induced sexual dysfunction – PubMed (nih.gov)
(5): Traditional herbal remedies used in the management of sexual impotence and erectile dysfunction in western Uganda (nih.gov)
(6): Testosterone in Males as Enhanced by Onion ( Allium Cepa L.) – PubMed (nih.gov)
(7): The 8 best foods to boost low testosterone (medicalnewstoday.com)
(8): Low Testosterone: 12 Signs in Men (healthline.com)
(9): Top 10 Onion Benefits For Men and Everyone Else (manmatters.com)
(10): Onions Work As Blood Thinners (Sometimes To A Dangerous Degree) (gizmodo.com)
(11): 5 Worst Foods For Acid Reflux Vanguard Gastroenterology New York City, NY (gastro-nyc.com)
(12): Ileo-Anal Reservoir (J-Pouch) Procedure – Gastrointestinal Society (badgut.org)
(13): Onion: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dose & Precautions (rxlist.com)
(14): Why Do Garlic And Onions Cause Bad Breath? » Science ABC
(15): What Are the Symptoms of an Onion Allergy? (with pictures) (thehealthboard.com)
(16): 10 Major Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Onions – Good Health All

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