Unlock the Power of Pineapple Guava


The Pineapple Guava (pronounced fay-OH-uh) is a unique and delicious fruit that is native to the southern highlands of Brazil.

It was first introduced to New Zealand in the early 1900s, and it has since become a popular fruit there.

The Pineapple Guava is a small, oval-shaped fruit that is about the size of a large chicken egg.

It has green skin that is dotted with brown lenticels.

The flesh of the Pineapple Guava is white or cream-colored, and it has a sweet, floral flavor with a hint of pineapple and mint.

Pineapple Guavas are a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber.

They can be eaten fresh, or they can be used to make jams, jellies, and juices.

General facts about pineapple guava:



The Pineapple Guava, a fascinating fruit with a colorful past, hails from the sun-drenched lands of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.

Nestled within the Myrtaceae family, it shares a lineage with the beloved guava, though it boasts a unique identity all its own.

Born under the scientific name Acca sellowiana, a nod to botanist João da Silva Feijó, this exotic treat is often affectionately called “Pineapple Guava sellowiana” as well.

Imagine an oval emerald, its skin delicately textured, cradling a sweet and tangy flesh within.

That’s the Pineapple Guava, its flavor a captivating blend of acidity and subtle sweetness, further enhanced by an intoxicating aroma.

This olfactory symphony is orchestrated by a talented team of aromatic compounds, led by the ever-charming ethyl benzoate, residing within its rind.

Though similar to its guava cousin, the Pineapple Guava holds onto its emerald cloak even when fully ripe, unlike the guava’s blushing transformation. But the names, oh, the names!

This fruit wears them like a collection of vibrant masks, each revealing a facet of its journey.

In the misty mountains of Serra Gaúcha, it dons the mantle of “mountain guava,” a testament to its high-altitude haven.

Elsewhere, it might be known as the alluring “araçá do Rio Grande,” the evocative “pineapple guava,” or the simple, yet charming, “creole guava” or even just “pineapple.”

Historical overview:


Hailing from the highlands of southern Brazil, the Pineapple Guava embarked on a fascinating journey that went beyond natural boundaries.

Indigenous peoples, not just winds and currents, are credited for spreading this unique fruit to distant lands.

Today, it thrives in sun-drenched locales like Uruguay, Colombia, and Argentina, even venturing across the globe to California, Australia, New Zealand, and France.

In New Zealand, the Pineapple Guava has achieved rockstar status, rivaling the iconic Kiwi fruit in popularity.

This love affair likely stems from their shared arrival during the 19th century.

While German explorer Friedrich Sellow unveiled the Pineapple Guava’s beauty, it was French botanist Edouard André who introduced it to European and American palates through commercial cultivation.

The fruit even owes its catchy name to a Spanish botanist, José de Silva Feija, who recognized its potential.

Modern-day uses of the Pineapple Guava extend far beyond a simple fruit salad.

Its sweet-tart flesh becomes delectable compotes, jams, and jellies, bursting with flavor and sunshine.

But the Pineapple Guava’s talents don’t stop there.

Its skin finds new life in cosmetic products, offering a gentle, natural exfoliation that pamper skin craves.

Pineapple guava nutritional values and health benefits:


Nutritional values:

Beyond its tantalizing taste, the Pineapple Guava boasts impressive wellness credentials.

Its bark brims with potent antioxidants like leucoanthocyanins and catechins, making it a valued tool for natural healers in protecting against certain cancers.

These catechins also fortify blood vessels, offering a shield against various heart problems.

The star of the show, though, is the Pineapple Guava’s generous vitamin C content.

Packed with ascorbic acid esters, a special form of the vitamin, the fruit invigorates the body’s immune system.

But its bounty doesn’t stop there.

Ripe Pineapple Guavas are veritable treasure chests of other vitamins, including B vitamins like thiamine, pantothenic acid, and pyridoxine, as well as vitamin E and the rarely found vitamin PP.

What truly sets the Pineapple Guava apart, however, is its extraordinary iodine content.

A mere 100-gram serving packs an impressive 8-35 micrograms of this essential mineral, a staggering 3-9 times higher than most other iodine-rich fruits and vegetables.

And the riper the fruit, the more generous its mineral gift, with ripe specimens boasting a chemical composition that’s 98-100% complete.

In short, the Pineapple Guava isn’t just a delicious treat; it’s a wellness warrior disguised as a fruit, offering a powerful cocktail of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to safeguard your health from within.

Health benefits:


Shields Against Cellular Threats:

Nature’s bountiful berries pack a double punch of protective antioxidants.

Tannins, catechins, and leucoanthocyanins work together like a superhero team, neutralizing free radicals – those nasty culprits behind oxidative stress and cellular damage.

Along with vitamin C, this antioxidant alliance helps build a strong defense against degenerative diseases like cancer, even earning the berry a spot in the beauty world for its skin-firming abilities.

Immunity Booster and All-Natural Armor:

Bioflavonoids and vitamin B5 join forces to supercharge your immune system, while vitamin C stands guard against the sniffles and chills of those dreaded flu days.

But the berry’s power extends beyond the body’s interior.

When used topically, leaves, pulp, and especially seeds, reveal their hidden talents – antibacterial and antifungal properties that act like a natural shield against skin infections and even speed up wound healing.

Heart-Healthy Hero:

Don’t let its sweetness fool you; this low-calorie, low-sugar berry is a friend to your heart.

Pineapple Guava helps balance cholesterol levels and keeps blood vessels flexible, making it a champion in the fight against cardiovascular disease.

Antioxidant Avenger:

This tropical wonder is brimming with antioxidants, with vitamin C taking center stage. Imagine this vitamin as a tiny shield, deflecting harmful free radicals that accelerate aging and damage cells.

Pineapple Guava’s ascorbic acid army also bolsters your immune system, making you a fortress against invaders like viruses and bacteria.

Bonus points for aiding iron absorption, and keeping anemia at bay!

Inflammation Inhibitor:

A 2007 study revealed a hidden talent within Pineapple Guava – its ketone extract is an anti-inflammatory powerhouse.

It targets cells involved in inflammatory processes linked to colon cancer, multiple sclerosis, and even neurodegenerative diseases.

Think of it as a firefighter, dousing the flames of inflammation before they cause serious harm.

Fiber Fantastic:

Pineapple Guava takes the crown for being one of the fiber-richest fruits out there.

This dietary champion keeps you feeling fuller for longer, aids digestion, and promotes a healthy gut.

Be warned, some producers say overindulging can lead to frequent bathroom visits, so enjoy this superhero responsibly!

Iodine Idol:

This essential mineral plays a crucial role in thyroid function, and guess what?

Pineapple Guava is bursting with it! Studies have shown that this fruit can help maintain thyroid health and prevent potential issues.

Consider it a secret weapon for optimal hormone balance.

Cancer-Crippling Crusader:

The search for natural cancer treatments is a top priority, and Pineapple Guava might be a valuable ally.

Research suggests that its flavonoids have an inhibitory effect on HDAC cells, a key target in cancer therapy.

It’s like a Kryptonite to these harmful cells, offering a glimmer of hope in the fight against this devastating disease.

Aiding Weight Management:

We already revealed its feathery weight and diabetic-friendly nature, but Pineapple Guava has another trick up its sleeve.

Vitamin B5 steps up its game by revving up your fat metabolism, turning the berry into a natural detox buddy.

It even helps your stomach digest food more efficiently and protects its delicate lining.

Other health benefits:
  • Replenishes iodine deficiency and normalizes pancreatic activity.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Increases height.
  • Cleanses the blood and increases hemoglobin.
  • Normalizes digestion.
  • Improves memory and attention.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Improves skin condition.
  • Increases inflammation.

Precautions before consuming pineapple guava:


The product can seriously harm a person in the presence of certain pathologies.

Consequently, people suffering from diabetes or obesity are forbidden to eat Pineapple Guava.

The fact is that the high concentration of sugars is present in the raw materials.

Luckily, pineapple guava does not belong to the list of foods that provoke an allergic reaction.

It should be noted that in rare cases, some people develop an individual intolerance.

The only condition is that the fruit is eaten with care.

Do to combine Pineapple Guava with dairy products.

Otherwise, you’ll experience terrible stomach upsets.

What’s more, don’t eat fresh fruit, or you could end up poisoning yourself.

So, when choosing fruit, be careful.

Pineapple Guava can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.

If you don’t have any of the above contraindications, there are still a few nuances to bear in mind.

Don’t overuse the raw materials.

In the event of overdose, anxiety, insomnia, weakness, unstable body temperature, and heart rate, apathy will occur.

Using pineapple guava:


Pineapple Guava Juice (Makes 2-3 Servings)

  • 2-3 ripe Pineaapple Guavas
  • 1/2 – 3/4 liters water
  • Brown sugar or honey, to taste
  • Optional: 5-10 mint leaves
  • Wash the Pineapple Guavas thoroughly.
  • Cut the Pineapple Guavas in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon, discarding the skins.
  • Place the Pineapple Guava pulp in a blender.
  • Add 1/2 liter of water to the blender and blend until smooth. Gradually add more water if needed to reach the desired consistency.
  • Taste the juice and add brown sugar or honey to sweeten your preference.
  • For an extra refreshing touch, add a few mint leaves while blending.
  • Serve chilled!

Buying pineapple guava:


This fruit presents a bit of a riddle for those seeking its sweet reward.

Unlike most, it doesn’t announce its ripeness by boldly displaying vibrant colors.

No, this treasure hides its maturity deep within.

While growers can gather fallen fruits to share, the juiciest gems often cling to the branches patiently waiting for the perfect moment to let go.

To claim these elusive prizes, rely on your senses.

Sniff for a gentle, inviting aroma, a whisper of sweetness promising delights within.

Next, gently press the husk. It should yield slightly, offering a hint of softness without feeling mushy.

If all these signs align, you’ve found your prize! Remember, timing is key.

Young fruits may surprise you with a tartness that puckers the lips, while those past their prime can take on a harsh, almost turpentine-like taste.

So, pluck them at their peak, when fragrance, softness, and color sing in harmony, and prepare to savor the fruit’s true, exquisite flavor.

Storing pineapple guava:


Savoring sweet, ripe Pineapple Guavas is a fleeting pleasure, as they only hold their peak flavor for 3 to 5 days.

The good news is they can be preserved!

For long-term enjoyment, peel and puree the fruit before popping it in the freezer, where it will happily await delicious uses for months.

Don’t be fooled by their fridge stay, though – chilly temperatures may slow the clock, but it doesn’t stop ripening.

To prevent mushy disappointment, always peek inside before taking a bite.

Aim for a clear, gelatinous center, a sign your Pineapple Guavas are at their juicy best.

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