Raw Almonds Calories: Don’t Fear the Fat!

Raw almonds calories might surprise you – they pack a bigger punch than you might expect compared to the same amount of beef or chicken! But don’t let that discourage you.

Are you looking for a snack that is both delicious and nutritious? Look no further than raw almonds!

Not only are raw almonds a tasty snack, but they are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for your health.

In this blog post, we will explore the nutritional benefits of raw almonds, and discuss why they make a great snack choice.

We will also discuss some delicious ways to enjoy raw almonds, so you can reap the nutritional benefits while still enjoying a tasty snack.

So, let‘s get started and learn more about the amazing nutritional values in raw almonds calories!

Do almonds have carbs?

Yes, almonds have carbs!

They contain very low carbs compared to the other nutrients that come with them.

Nuts in general are high in fat and low in carbs.

A handful of almonds comes with 2g of carbs and 16g of fat.

You should keep in mind that 1g of fat results in 9 calories, while 1g of protein or carbs result in only 4 calories. (1)

That means a handful of raw almonds can be around 180 calories!

If you are keeping track of your calorie intake, don’t forget to include counting how many raw almonds calories you consume!

A handful of almonds will definitely increase your calorie intake.

Raw almonds calories:

Almonds are an oleaginous nut same as peanuts, walnuts, pistachios

These types of nuts are very dense in terms of nutrients despite their small size.

Nutritional values:

Raw almonds are very high in calories and fats as just 3.5 ounces (100g) offer about 600 calories and 50g of fats.

Because of that, the recommended daily dose of most nuts is not more than a handful a day or 2 to 3 handfuls per week.

However, the fats in raw almond calories are mostly in the form of oleic acid which promotes the good cholesterol HDL. (2)

Also, raw almonds calories are super low in sugar with just 2% of our daily need in 1 ounce which could be beneficial for diabetic patients.

As for vegetarians, these nuts are a great source of protein close to that of meat with more than 21g per 3.5 ounces (100g).

Even though it is not recommended to consume more than 1 ounce (handful) of almonds per day, it will definitely help reach the daily need for protein.

Raw almonds also contain a good amount of fibers with up to 20% of the daily need in just a handful.

In addition, they also contain a good amount of vitamins especially vitamin E and vitamins from the B group.

Moreover, they also offer a great number of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, and selenium.

Below are the nutritional values found in the weekly recommended dose of raw almonds calories (80g almost 3 ounces almost 60 almond nuts): (3)


  • Calories: 465
  • Protein: 16.92
  • Fat: 39 g
  • Carbs: 17.25 g
  • Fiber: 10 g
  • Sugar: 3.625 g
  • E vitamin: 90%
  • B1 vitamin: 13.6%
  • B3 vitamin: 18%
  • B6 vitamin: 10.5%
  • Calcium: 20.4%
  • Iron: 21.5%
  • Magnesium: 53%
  • Phosphorus: 32%
  • Potassium: 14.65%
  • Zinc: 24.96%
  • Copper: 92%
  • Selenium: 5.46%

Health benefits:

Almond is a nut that we all know and love to eat from time to time.

Experts and scientists suggest eating 10 almonds daily to enjoy its crunchiness while getting the most of its benefits. (4)

Almonds are rich in fiber, vitamins, monounsaturated fats, proteins, and minerals. Here are the major health benefits that this yummy nut offers:

An asset during pregnancy for both the mother and the fetus:

Eating nuts, almonds in particular, at the starting stages of pregnancy can improve the psychological and neurological development of the child.

It was discovered that children whose mothers consumed 55 grams to 80 grams of almonds per week (almost 10 kernels a day), during the first three months of pregnancy, had a higher IQ than children whose mothers did not eat them.

A study published in 2019 in the European Journal of Epidemiology found that mothers’ consumption of nuts during the first trimester of pregnancy is directly linked to improved neurological and psychological development in children. (5)

Great for diabetics:

Raw almonds calories are very beneficial for diabetic patients.

In 2011, the Journal of Metabolism indicated that eating 60 grams of almonds per week for type 2 diabetics is associated with lowering levels of fasting insulin and glucose. (6)

This lowering effect of insulin and glucose is because they have a low glycemic index which means eating it doesn’t raise blood sugar levels.

Although, diabetic people need to monitor their blood sugar levels when consuming almonds.

It’s because taking diabetic medicines that lower blood sugar levels and eating almonds can destabilize those levels.

Consult a doctor to regulate the daily dose of diabetic medicines in order to face diabetes with a more natural food such as almonds.

Good for children:

A common fact is that adding almonds to any diet is beneficial to our health.

However, in 2016 a study published in Nutrition Research conducted on parents and children in which these two groups consumed 43 grams of almonds and 14 grams of almond butter for 21 days. (7)

The results showed that both groups experienced better digestion as the nuts affected the bacteria in the intestine that are important for the immune system and overall health.

This demonstrates that when children consume the recommended dose of almonds they can definitely have better immunity and healthy growth.

Perfect for a healthy diet:

Recent research suggests that raw almonds calories can help lose weight.

In 2003, there was a study published by the Journal of Obesity showing that people who had a low-calorie diet rich in almonds lost more weight compared to other people. (8)

This property could be because of their richness in protein, fiber, and good fats which promote a longer feeling of satiety and fullness.

Also, the fats found in this nut are monounsaturated fats and they are good for our health.

Obesity is a metabolic disorder as it causes chronic oxidative stress and this may increase the risk of other diseases such as diabetes.

However, they have tremendous antioxidant properties that can tackle oxidative stress and prevent the increase of unhealthy obesity.

It should be noted that in order to lose weight healthily, one should not just reduce calorie intake but increase physical activity.

This will result in a healthier lifestyle and better health.

May reduce the risk of breast cancer:

In 2015, a study was published in the Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation journal showed that eating peanuts, walnuts, and almonds reduce the risk of breast cancer by two or three times. (9)

This means that women who consume almonds regularly are less likely to develop breast cancer.

This may be due to the antioxidant properties in raw almonds calories as they give our bodies a better resistance to fighting free radicals and getting rid of intoxication.

Enhances the memory:

Nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds all of the potential to boost our memory capacity.

Consuming a handful of raw almonds a day is a good preventive treatment especially for the elderly to face memory loss. (10)

Some nutritionists even recommend a regular consumption of almonds to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, they can also boost the cognitive condition of children and ensure their brains grow healthy and strong.

These memory-boosting properties in raw almonds calories come from vitamin E, zinc, and B vitamins.

These nutrients act particularly on the neurons to maintain them in a healthy condition.

Relieves insomnia and promotes sleep:

Raw almonds calories offer a good amount of magnesium with more than 15% of the daily need in just 1 ounce.

This mineral is essential for our bodies to have a good resistance against depression and stress.

By meeting the daily need for magnesium, we would experience less stress and sleep disorders.

In fact, when we eat these nuts they relaxe our muscles and nerves which can also reduce insomnia and promote a quality sleep. (11)

Also, meeting the daily need for magnesium will stimulate the production of melatonin (sleep hormone) and therefore fights insomnia.

Do the benefits differ from roasted and non-roasted almonds?


Raw almonds calories contain all of the nutrients as none of them is damaged by a processing method.

Because of that, all of the above benefits mentioned apply to raw almonds only.

The roasting process may expose them to high temperatures and this can change their composition, for example reducing the water content.

It could also break down the monounsaturated fats and allow them to reach oxygen and be oxidized.

Roasting may also cause the production of harmful chemicals from acid such as acrylamide, which can damage the nervous system in the long run. (12)

Buying almonds:


You can find almonds in many different forms in the market whether they are shelled or unshelled.

Also, they can be blanched, roasted, or raw as each culinary state is suitable for different use.

If the almonds are roasted or raw, they will have their skin on unlike skinless, blanched almonds.

Most people like to snack on roasted almonds and use it in other forms in their recipes.

On the other hand, blanched and raw almonds exist in many forms in the market as you can find them chopped, sliced, halved, or whole.

For instance, pre-cut almonds are a perfect choice for cooks who don’t have time to prepare them at home.

However, the best way is to buy them raw and whole then chop or slice them right before usage.

If you buy the skinned types (raw or roasted) you don’t necessarily need to skin them.

The skin may indeed feel a little bitter especially with raw almonds, but it will add an even nuttier flavor to your recipes.

In case you are buying shelled almonds, shake one or two of them, if the nut is snapping a lot that means it is old and it shrunk.

Preserving almonds:


Thanks to their antioxidants properties, almonds can last for a long time as long as we store them the right way.

Nonetheless, they are also high in fat content and oils which may lead to fast spoilage when we store them in poor conditions.

According to the Almond Board of California, we can store packaged raw almonds for up to 2 years in a dark and cool place like pantries. (13)

For roasted almonds, we can also store them in a cool pantry for 1 year as long as they are packaged or in a glass jar.

If you want to extend the lifespan of raw or roasted almonds, you can do so by putting them in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer.

The most important thing is to never expose them to humidity as that will make them spoil super-fast.

Once you open the package and use some, place the rest in an airtight container and store it in the fridge to use within 3 months.

The reason why we use airtight containers is to avoid insect contamination and odor absorption as almonds can absorb other food odors.

As for rancidity, it is pretty easy to spot a rancid unshelled almond you just cut them in half and ensure it is white.

If the inside of an almond is a little yellow or developed a honeycomb pattern then the nut is rancid.



Raw almonds calories come from a combination of essential nutrients that our bodies need for healthy growth.

They are good for pregnancy if taken within the first trimester as they increase the IQ level of the child.

Consuming almonds after consulting the doctor to regulate diabetic medicines dose could help regulate the levels of fasting insulin and glucose.

Eating raw almonds enhances immunity, helps lower weight by making you feel full for a longer time and could reduce the risk of getting breast cancer.





(1): Fat and Calories: The Difference & Recommended Intake (clevelandclinic.org)
(2): Fatty Acid Composition of California Grown Almonds | Request PDF (researchgate.net)
(3): Calories in Nuts, almonds – 1 oz (23 whole kernels) from USDA (nutritionix.com)
(4): Here’s How Many Almonds You Should Eat For A Healthy Heart (ndtv.com)
(5): Benefits of Nut Consumption During Pregnancy (news-medical.net)
(6): Almond consumption improved glycemic control and lipid profiles in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus – Metabolism – Clinical and Experimental (metabolismjournal.com)
(7): Diet quality improves for parents and children when almonds are incorporated into their daily diet: a randomized, crossover study – ScienceDirect

(8): Almonds vs complex carbohydrates in a weight reduction program | International Journal of Obesity (nature.com)
(9): The Protective Effect of Peanut, Walnut, and Almond Consumption on the Development of Breast Cancer – Abstract – Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation 2015, Vol. 80, No. 2 – Karger Publishers
(10): Almonds called good choice to reduce Alzheimer’s risk | Farm Progress
(11): Beware High Levels of Cortisol, the Stress Hormone | Premier Health
(12): Acrylamide in roasted almonds and hazelnuts – PubMed (nih.gov)
(13): Shelf Life of Almonds | Food Safety & Quality


    • Almonds are not necessarily good for fat burning!
      However, recent studies shows that almonds can be linked to weight loss.
      This could be because almonds are rich in fibers and protein, and these two extend the feeling of satiety therefore you feel full and less hungery throughout the day.
      Also put in mind that almonds are high in calories this is why the recommended daily dose is no more than a 10 to 12 almonds.
      Let’s be clear here, reducing weight require physical activity, this can be just walking or doing random house chores.
      in addition to those activities, you can try eating almonds as a snack in between the meals to get its benefits and reduce the feeling of hunger and you’ll notice great changes hopefully.

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