John Dory: The Fish That’s Worth Trying


Looking for a delicious and healthy fish to add to your diet?

Look no further than John Dory!

This mild-flavored fish is packed with nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and selenium.

John Dory is also a low-mercury fish, making it a safe choice for pregnant women and children.

In this article, we will discuss the health benefits of John Dory in more detail.

We will also provide some tips for cooking and preparing this delicious fish.

General facts about John Dory fish:



John Dory is a saltwater fish classified in the genus Matoudai in the order Matoudaidae.

It has a characteristic dorsal fin that extends like a pinched mouth and a sense of touch, and the black circle pattern in the center of the body surface resembles the archery target, so it is also called “John dory fish” or “Mato”, and because its head resembles a horse, it is written “馬頭鯛” in kanji.

Those of standard size are around 30 ~ 40 cm in physical condition, but some large ones are close to 90 cm.

The spotted gilthead is a fish that is caught in a wide range of relatively warm waters.

It is not a fish that is caught in Japan and is not very common, but it is popular in Europe and is sometimes treated as a high-class fish.

Especially in France, it is called by the elegant name “John dory fish” and is useful in dishes such as Meunier.

By the way, the name “John dory fish” is derived from “Saint Peter”, one of the twelve apostles in Christianity, and it’s called “John dory fish’s fish”, which means the same person in English!

Flavor of John Dory fish:


Now that you know the characteristics of John Dory fish, you may be interested in its taste.

In addition to the lightness of an unremarkable white fish, John Dory fish also has a rich, umami taste.

You can enjoy it not only by heating it like Meunier but also by eating it raw like sashimi, so you can enjoy it in a wide range of cooking methods.

What’s more, the liver is exquisite and it’s an excellent fish that you can enjoy different flavors with just one tail.

Types of John Dory fish:


There are three species of fish called John dory fish, depending on their location.

Zeus Faber:

Zeus Faber is the most common species of John dory fish. It is found in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Black Seas.

This type can grow up to 90 centimeters and 8 kilograms.

It has a silver-blue body with a large dark spot on each side.

Also, it is a popular food fish and is known for its delicate flavor.

Zeus Capensis:

Zeus Capensis is found on the southern coasts of Africa.

It is smaller than Zeus Faber, growing up to 60 centimeters and 3 kilograms.

It has a similar appearance to Zeus Faber, but its dark spot is smaller and less distinct. It is also a popular food fish.

Zeus Japonicus:

Zeus Japonicus is found in the Pacific Ocean.

It is the smallest of the three species, growing up to 40 centimeters and 2 kilograms.

It has a dark brown body with a light belly.

It is not as common as Zeus Faber or Zeus Capensis, but it is still a popular food fish.

John Dory fish nutritional values and health benefits:


Nutritional values:

Dori fish is a low-calorie food, with only 115 calories per 100 grams.

This makes it a good choice for people who are watching their weight or following a calorie-restricted diet.

Dori is also a good source of protein, with up to 79% of its composition being protein.

This makes it a good choice for people who are looking to build muscle or recover from exercise.

In addition to protein, dori is also a good source of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in vitamins B, A, B3, K, H, C, and E.

It also contains important minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, sodium, phosphorus, fluorine, chlorine, chromium, and zinc.

Health benefits:


List of John dory fish vitamins with their beneficial properties:

  • H: resists aging and degeneration processes at a cellular level.
  • A: This vitamin’s ability to break down fats and help with skin diseases deserves special attention.
  • K: improves liver function, accelerates cell repair, and has a positive effect on blood coagulation.
  • C: effectively fights bacteria and viruses, and relieves inflammation.
  • E: useful for those planning or expecting a baby, as it has a beneficial effect on reproductive functions. It also promotes the flow of oxygen to cells and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Group B: positively affects the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune system, prevents aging, regulates nervous system function, and helps other nutrients to be absorbed more quickly.
  • This group is often referred to as “beauty vitamins”, as they have a beneficial effect on skin, hair, and nails.
  • B3: normalizes metabolism and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Not only the vitamins but also the minerals in Dori fish have useful properties:

  • Zinc: prevents diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Iodine: has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system.
  • Iron – helps the body absorb B vitamins, and plays an important role in hemoglobin synthesis.
  • Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium: strengthen tooth enamel and bone tissue.

Like other precious fish species, dori is a food that can provide the body with the necessary doses of substances important to its normal functioning.

Precautions before you consume John Dory:


John Dory fish is a deep-sea fish that is not affected by pollution in the world’s oceans.

It is considered to be one of the cleanest and safest marine products.

However, there are three contraindications to its consumption:

  • Combining John Dory fish with dairy products can cause stomach upset, nausea, and vomiting.
  • This is because the calcium in dairy products can bind to the proteins in John Dory fish and make it difficult for the body to digest.
  • Individual intolerance: Although there are no known allergies to John Dory fish, some people may experience an allergic reaction after eating it.
  • If you are allergic to other fish, it is best to avoid John Dory fish as well.
  • The presence of helminths (worms) in the fish. No fish is immune to parasites, so it is important to cook John Dory fish thoroughly to kill any harmful organisms.
  • Raw or undercooked john dory fish should not be eaten.

Using John Dory:


John dory fish is delicious even when heated like Meunier, or eaten raw for fresh sashimi.

What’s more, if the eggs and liver are excellent, you’ll want to know how to cook them!

John Dory fish is a fish with a delicate, mild, and slightly sweet flavor.

Its pure, fresh taste blends well with a wide range of ingredients, making it a versatile choice for any culinary creation.

When cooked, John dory fish develops a subtle nutty flavor that adds depth to the dish.

The sweetness of the fish enhances the natural flavors of the accompanying ingredients, creating a harmonious balance on the palate.

Its mild flavor allows it to absorb the flavors of marinades and sauces, making it a versatile choice for a variety of cooking methods.

One of the reasons why John Dory Fish is so popular with chefs and food lovers alike is its touch of umami.

Umami is a savory, rich flavor that adds complexity to dishes.

This unique characteristic of John Dory Fish makes it an excellent choice for creating umami-rich recipes that leave a lasting impression.

Here’s how to eat John dory fish deliciously:

Eating it raw:

For raw foods, in addition to sashimi, carpaccio and kelp are recommended.

Once you’ve tried it, you’re sure to be captivated by the sweet taste and crunchy elastic texture!

Eating it cooked:

John dory fish is tight when cooked, but it doesn’t become too hard, so you can enjoy it with meunier and other cooking dishes.

It’s delicious boiled, fried, or sautéed!

It has an elegant taste and no peculiarities, so you can enjoy it with any flavor.

Fillets of John dory fish with Cream Sauce:

  • 6 fillets of John dory fish
  • 1 glass of chicken broth
  • 2 onions, peeled and sliced
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh cream
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 sprig of thyme
  • 1 clove of garlic, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of fish stock
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius).
  • Butter an ovenproof dish.
  • Place the herbs, garlic, and fish fillets in the prepared dish.
  • Drizzle with chicken broth and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Dilute the fish stock in a glass of water and pour half of it into the dish.
  • Bake for 10 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through.
  • Remove the fish from the dish and set aside.
  • To make the sauce, heat a pan over medium heat. Add the olive oil and onions. Cook until softened, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the strained cooking juices and the remaining fish stock. Bring to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes, or until the sauce has thickened.
  • Whisk in the egg yolk and crème fraîche. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Pour the sauce over the fish fillets and serve.

John Dory with fennel:

  • 1 whole John dory fish fish, about 2 pounds
  • 20 garlic cloves, minced
  • 21 pitted black olives, halved
  • 10 plum tomatoes, cut into wedges
  • 2 lemons, thinly sliced
  • 1 bunch of basil, leaves, and stems separated
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 25 cl chicken stock
  • 75 cl fennel fronds, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Preheat oven to 460 degrees F (240 degrees C).
  • Butter a baking dish. Place the basil stems in the dish, followed by the fish.
  • Arrange the fennel fronds, lemon slices, tomato wedges, minced garlic, and olives around the fish.
  • Pour the chicken stock over the fish. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake for 25 minutes.
  • While the fish is baking, heat the olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
  • Add the remaining garlic cloves and basil leaves and cook for 2-3 minutes, or until fragrant.
  • Add the chopped fennel and cook for 5-7 minutes, or until softened. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Remove the fish from the oven and let it rest for 5 minutes before serving.
  • Serve with the fennel and lemon sauce.

Buying John Dory:


First of all, try to choose one with a clear black circle pattern like a target, which is also a John Dory fish characteristic.

What’s more, the gill color is neither dull nor cloudy, and it’s also a bright red color!

Like other fish, those that are firm elastic, and transparent to the eye are also proof of freshness.

Here is a very informative bulleted list to help you choose the best John Dory:

  • John Dory fish can be bought whole or filleted.
  • The size of the fish will depend on how many people you are cooking for and whether you can fillet the fish yourself.
  • A large fish will serve 4 people.
  • To check the freshness of the fish, make sure the skin is shiny and taut, the eyes are bright and protruding, and the gills are red.
  • The smell should be reminiscent of the tide, not ammonia.
  • Do not buy whole fish weighing less than 600 g or measuring less than 37 cm.
  • Filleted fish should have firm, elastic flesh.

Storing John Dory:


Just like any other type of fish, the John Dory can be stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Here are some tips on how to store John Dory:

  • Vacuum-packed fresh fillets can be stored in the same way for up to their use-by date.
  • To freeze John’s dory fish, remove the head and spines from the back using kitchen scissors. This will prevent the fish from puncturing the freezer bag.
  • Once the fish is deboned, remove as much air as possible from the bag before resealing it.
  • John dory fish can be frozen for up to 6 months.
  • Cooked John dory fish can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Here are some additional tips for storing John dory fish:

  • Wrap the fish tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before storing it in the refrigerator. This will help to prevent it from drying out.
  • If you are freezing John Dory fish, make sure to label the bag with the date so you know how long it has been frozen.
  • Thaw John’s dory fish overnight in the refrigerator before cooking it. Do not thaw it at room temperature, as this could lead to the growth of harmful bacteria.

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