Cranberry juice benefits and health precautions!


Cranberry juice benefits are numerous, however, most people don’t seem to know much about them.

This juice is far beyond just a refresher as it can literally help you become healthier and prevent many diseases.

In this article, we gathered all the information you need based on scientific studies to show you the main cranberry juice benefits, nutritional values, and possible side effects alongside tips on how to make this juice at home, and how to buy the best products and how to store it.

But first,…

What is cranberry juice?


The answer is in the name, basically, it is the juice made 100% from squeezed cranberries and sometimes diluted with 40% water.

This juice stands out among the rest of the fruit juices by its bright red color and extremely pleasant tarty smell. (1)

However, most people like cranberries for their refreshing properties without knowing too much about their health benefits.

The best thing is that the composition of this fruit is almost the same composition of natural cranberry juice.

How much cranberry juice per day?


Like apple juice or any other fruit juice, we can consume cranberry juice early in the morning or as a refresher in between the meals.

Nonetheless, this juice offers a large amount of sugar, and drinking more than 4 cups per day can cause harmful effects.

In fact, 1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice contains about 31g of sugar equal to 100% of the daily needs of an adult.

It should also be noted that the average American consumes about 77g of sugar per day! (2)

This is because there are no exact amount of the daily needs as it depends on how much energy we burn throughout the day.

However, to enjoy its benefits and avoid any possible side effects it is best to consume 1 cup made of 60% natural cranberry juice and 40% water per day.

Cranberry juice benefits:


Nutritional values:

Natural cranberry juice has a very rich nutritional composition that offers a lot of vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols.

In fact, a daily serving (1 cup) of natural cranberry juice offers more than 30% of the daily needs in vitamin C and vitamin E.

In addition, it offers a good amount of vitamin K and vitamins from the B group especially B6 with 9% of the daily needs.

As for minerals, this juice is a good source of calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, and potassium…

This data counts for 1 cup of natural unsweetened and non-diluted cranberry juice (253ml): (3)


  • Calorie: 116
  • Protein: 1 g
  • Carbs: 31 g
  • Fat: 0.3 g
  • Fiber: 0.3 g
  • Sugars: 30.6g
  • Vitamin C: 40%
  • Vitamin E: 20%
  • Vitamin K: 16%
  • Vitamin B6: 9 %
  • Calcium: 3%
  • Copper: 16%
  • Manganese: 11%
  • Magnesium: 4%
  • Phosphorus: 3%
  • Potassium: 6%

Health benefits:


Prevents cardiovascular diseases:

Many studies focused on the beneficial effect of cranberry juice flavonoids which are known to be useful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. (4)

The plant-based components have powerful antioxidant properties that can eliminate free radicals and block their harmful effects.

It should be known that free radicals are one of the earliest sources of blood circulation issues. (5)

Regular consumption of cranberry juice can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and blood clotting.

Also, it lowers the oxidation of cholesterol which result in a reduction of blood pressure to counter the effect of high blood pressure.

Therefore, drinking cranberry juice regularly will ensure that the cardiovascular system is working with minimum health risks.

Good for UTI (urinary tract infections):

As a group of infections, UTIs generally refers to the existence of micro-organisms in large proportions (above normal) in the urine. (6)

UTIs can cause renal parenchyma in the kidneys, cystitis in the bladder, or bacterial prostatitis in the prostate.

However, cranberry juice is a good source of anthocyanins, the color pigments that give cranberries their vibrant red color.

These anthocyanins also come with great antioxidant properties which can prevent bacteria from attaching to the bladder wall.

Drinking cranberry juice regularly will prevent bacteria from multiplying and will help flush them out through urine.

Some studies show that cranberry juice can help prevent recurrent UTIs in middle-aged women and women during pregnancy. (7)

However, cranberry juice is not a treatment for UTIs but it can prevent its aggravation or even eliminate the risk of its occurrence.

Maintains brain health:

As most of the benefits of cranberry juice come from its antioxidant properties, therefore, it also offers cellular protection.

As a result, drinking cranberry juice regularly can preserve neurons and protect brain cells from degradation. (8)

Also, it helps slow down the loss of communication between neurons and brain cells and can even reset it to its normal state.

Therefore, drinking cranberry juice can prevent age-related brain degradation diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

Same as blueberries juice, these anthocyanin-rich juices help maintain memory and cognitive abilities.

Prevents tooth decay:

Recent studies show the good effect of drinking cranberry juice in promoting healthy teeth by preventing their decay. (9)

Scientifically, the strong polyphenols in this juice can inhibit harmful bacteria from sticking to the teeth.

These antioxidants also reduce the production of acids in the mouth which reduces the formation of plaque.

Overall, cranberry juice disrupts the different mechanisms that usually lead to tooth decay.

Offers anti-cancerous properties:

This juice is very rich in antioxidants which only makes sense for several studies on its effect on the prevention and treatment of cancers.

Many epidemiological pieces of research confirm that a diet rich in vegetables and fruits can indeed prevent the risk of cancer. (10)

In this same sense, cranberry juice consumption offers powerful antioxidants that can block the proliferation and development of cancerous cells.

Specifically, the ursolic acid content of this juice can slow down and block the growth of cancer cells in the case of liver, breast, colon, and prostate cancers.

Anti-aging properties:

Scientists suggest that the abundance of phyto-nutrients in cranberry juice can help slow down the effect of aging and cell degeneration.

This is probably thanks to the protective effect this juice offers to help counter the effect of free radicals in the body.

As a result, regular consumption of cranberry juice can promote younger-looking skin and maintain good eyesight. (11)

Promotes smooth digestion:

Offering many antioxidants, cranberry juice can also preserve the intestinal system from incubating harmful bacteria.

In fact, few studies confirm that cranberry juice can helps prevent Helicobacter pylori infections in the stomach. (12)

These bacteria are generally responsible for many gastric problems and chronic gastritis.

Therefore, drinking cranberry juice may as well help relieve stomach pain caused by bloating or other intestinal infections.

Other cranberry juice benefits:
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Enhance the immune system.
  • Helps recover from flu and cold.
  • Strengthens the bones.
  • Prevents kidney failure.
  • Treats lung inflammation.
  • Promotes detoxification.
  • Good and safe during pregnancy.
  • Prevents respiratory tract infections.

Benefits based on the type of cranberry juice:

There are mainly two types of cranberry juice, Red and Black and each one of them is more beneficial for specific health issues.

Black cranberry juice benefits:


This type of cranberry juice is more beneficial for people that suffer from blood circulation issues such as heavy legs.

It shows great healing results for those who suffer from varicose veins, and venous and vision problems.

Regular consumption of black cranberry juice can improve the function of the overall cardiovascular system.

This healing effect is most likely because black cranberry juice lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) which reduces plaque formation in the veins.

Red cranberry juice:


The red version of cranberry juice has amazing anti-bacterial and anti-infection properties.

Specialists recommend drinking red cranberry juice as a natural remedy to fight urinary tract infections.

In fact, research confirms this effect as it states that substances in red cranberry juice can eradicate bacteria including E Coli.

Because of this, many doctors recommend drinking red cranberry juice for men with prostate problems.

They also suggest drinking this juice for women who suffer from cystitis issues (UTIs).

This powerful anti-infection property of red cranberry juice makes it also beneficial to fight gum diseases and tooth cavity inflammation.

Precautions before you consume cranberry juice:


Like any other food, cranberry juice is very beneficial but it can still cause some side effects in some cases.

Interfere with aspirin:

Cranberries contain many nutrients such as salicylic acid which is also found in aspirin. (13)

This could amplify the blood-thinning effect of aspirin and mess up the safe dosage in the doctor’s prescription.

Also, people who are allergic to aspirin may also have an allergic reaction when they consume this juice.

Thus, patients who take blood thinners including aspirin, and those who are allergic to aspirin should not consume cranberry juice.

May cause kidney stones:

Generally, kidney stones are made of a combination between oxalate and calcium.

A cup of cranberry juice offers about 6% of the daily need in calcium and 6mg of oxalate and that is very safe.

However, people who excessively drink cranberry juice may get as much as 400mg of calcium and 30mg of oxalate.

If this habit persists, these people may be risking a calcium oxalate build-up in their kidneys which end up forming kidney stones.

In fact, Stanford University Medical Center shows in a study that regular cranberry juice consumption increase oxalate levels in the urine by 43%. (14)

If the person already has kidney stones or had a history of this condition, it is best to consult a doctor before taking this juice.

Interact with Warfarin:

Warfarin is among the most famous anti-coagulant which has blood-thinning effects and can lower the risk of blood clots.

Usually, people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases are more likely to use warfarin to counter prevent the blood from clotting.

Nonetheless, when you read the guidelines of warfarin you’ll find a clear notice that says “do not consume cranberries to avoid the risk of bleeding”.

This is because consuming cranberries or cranberry juice may affect the effectiveness of this drug.

However, since this claim was made by the FDA back in 2006, several clinical trials were published to ensure that there is no interaction between cranberry juice and warfarin. (15)

Homemade cranberry juice recipe:


This juice is a very easy juice to make, especially since it has a balanced sugar-acid ratio that makes it perfectly tangy and sweet without additives.

To make cranberry juice at home:

  • 1 lb. of fresh cranberries (500g).
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).
  • Start by rinsing the cranberries in cold water to ensure they are free of pesticides and dust.
  • In a pot, bring the water to boil then add the cranberries and let them cook for 10 minutes on a low heat of 180°F (80°C).
  • Turn off the heat, cover the pot and let it cool down for 20 minutes.
  • Pour the mixture into a blender and blend it until it’s all homogenous, and that’s it!

Buying cranberry juice:


When you are buying cranberry juice, you need to make sure that you choose the healthiest products.

First, 100% pure and natural cranberry juice is by far the best cranberry juice you could ever buy.

Nonetheless, most commercial products lose most of their nutrients during the manufacturing process.

Also, some cranberry juice products are even mixed with other juices. (16)

There is no way around it, we have to read the labels and make sure that we are buying “real cranberry juice” and not “cranberry juice drink”.

In addition, you need to make sure that there is no added sugar in the product such as fructose, sucrose, or syrup.


Natural cranberry juice has a slightly acidic flavor and it is best consumed mixed with water.

Cranberry juice benefits are numerous which is why many doctors recommend it for cases of UTI, stress relief, and skin rejuvenating…

To refresh your body and maintain its health, you can enjoy cranberry juice as a better substitute for energy drinks and sodas.





(1): What Does Cranberry Juice Taste Like? (
(2): How much sugar is too much? | American Heart Association
(3): FoodData Central (
(4): Cranberry flavonoids (
(5): Cranberry juice modulates atherosclerotic vas | EurekAlert!
(6): FDA Announces Qualified Health Claim for Certain Cranberry Products and Urinary Tract Infections | FDA
(7): Cranberries and lower urinary tract infection prevention – PMC (
(8): How cranberries could improve memory and ward off dementia (
(9): Cranberry Juice Cuts Cavities (
(10): Cranberries and Cancer: An Update of Preclinical Studies Evaluating the Cancer Inhibitory Potential of Cranberry and Cranberry Derived Constituents – PMC (
(12): Efficacy of cranberry juice on Helicobacter pylori infection: a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial – PubMed (
(13): Increased salicylate concentrations in urine of human volunteers after consumption of cranberry juice – PubMed (
(14): Dietary supplementation with cranberry concentrate tablets may increase the risk of nephrolithiasis – PubMed (
(15): Cranberries and Warfarin | Cranberry Institute
(16): Top 15 Best Cranberry Juices in 2022 (Recommended) (

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